BTC Bros X BWS — Blockchain For Africa

BTC Bros has linked up with Blockchain World Summit to bring you a four part blog series, based on African focused Blockchain projects and Cryptocurrency initiatives, aptly titled — Blockchain For Africa

The past year in Blockchain has been an amazing view of the things going on in the industry that seem to fall under the radar from the regular public hype. The reason we say it’s amazing, is because rather than the whole industry regressing or showing signs of trouble, it has thrived, in both investment, understanding and convergence, certainly a far cry from what has been portrayed by the mainstream media.

Along with this the news of more and more blockchain initiatives popping up in countries deemed to be third world with less economic framework have thrived from the use of blockchain and cryptocurrency, providing more of the worlds un-banked with access to financial based services. This has also quite clearly been a positive step towards boosting merchants based in such territories through the use of border-less payments and transactions.

One such initiative, who we covered earlier this week is, Blockchain World Summit (BWS), who are helping to spread knowledge and education regarding the Blockchain along with the benefits it brings to both the technical and economic landscape of Africa. We have partnered with BWS to bring you a short four part blog series, highlighting four companies and organizations, along with their projects and use cases, who are bringing the continent, and the world the direct benefits of the blockchain industry on the ground.

Blockchain World Summit, South Africa. 7th-8th December 2018

Some of the many industries affected by the technological shift into Blockchain for Africa are:

  • Finance — Banking, Payments, Transactions, Currency Exchange
  • Supply Chain — Food, Salt, Diamonds, Clothing, Farming
  • Reg Tech — Education, HR, Payroll, Identification
  • Trading — Merchant Services, Invoicing, Payments, Contracts, Commodities Exchange
  • Infrastructure — Internet, Telecommunications

Tumelo Ramaphosa, CEO of StudEx Wildlife, SA. Speaks at World Crypto Economic Forum (WCEF) in San Francisco, California, USA, 2018.

In our series we will be focusing on some of the organizations working within a portion of these sectors, so keep following and let us know in the comments section what you think, and of any notable projects you know of that may fit into the above categories.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy the series!

Find out more about Blockchain World Summit (BWS) and the South Africa Event, by visiting:

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