- 12 February 2018
- Posted by: btcbros12
- Categories: Articles, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Future Finance, Gadgets, Innovation, Technology

The Future; with the rise of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, cyber security awareness and new all round developments in technology being used to bring us closer to a ubiquitous fast pace, work, home and social living. The way that technology now integrates with every aspect of our physicality and our consciousness, beggars the belief that the world will never be the same.
As most people know or are learning, cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that have become a phenomenon worldwide, with the great debate that they aren’t really currencies at all looming in the backdrop, they have still managed to penetrate into many aspects of trade and finance, through the advantages that the underlying blockchain technology brings to the world. With today’s advancements in the blockchain industry, we can see trends making dramatic changes in which there are different ways to acquire cryptocurrencies without directly buying through use of exchanges or the tedious processes of mining.
With developments in other areas outside of the crypto worlds buzz we can start to see how this may be possible.
New developments like Ammbr, Tap, Soundchain, U Trust and many more have made it possible to go about our everyday processes and acquire cryptocurrencies.
The work and home environment in everyday use, has many electrical appliances and interfaces. Even the standard infrastructure of our everyday living such as new homes and offices are being upgraded to support new electronic and communicative wiring.
Most old or modern day buildings, unless recently built, were built on a much more time consuming basis, with chunky wiring, old bulky antennas, degraded and surge prone sockets and old telephone cabling, that are not designed to be eco friendly.
The installation of wiring is bulky and takes time to install, also to get good data connections needs good or expensive electronics and cables. New developments or enhancements on old ideas have made it possible to cut cost and bring eco friendly living to our finger tips. No longer do we have to fight with the thought of having to pay an exuberant of money to get the cheaper and more efficient methods, which have now become widely available.
Developments into more efficient wiring or current transfer has been a big issue in the last 15-20 years in the electronics and communication development fields. So, regardless of whether its big bulky electronics or microscopic machinery better ways of electronic transfer are being developed.
The development of 3D printing has made it so we can now make designs smaller and more responsive. We no longer need big capacitors and resistors that take up space. They can now be printed onto materials as thin as paper. Yet top of the major issues is still and for most part power. How to get enough power or a stable supply to be able to maintain the designed preferences.
‘Solar PV ‘ slates, are used to harness the sun’s solar energy. Here are the current advantages and disadvantages.
- Renewable energy source – an endless worldwide every day renewable energy source, accessible as long as there is sunlight
- Reduces electricity bills – meets some requirements of energy needs with the electricity generated, lowering energy bills. Savings on bills depends on the size of the solar system setup, geographical location and electricity or heat usage. If more energy is produced, then used the excess is exported back to the grid. Any excess energy exported is paid to the supplier as bonus payment for the amount (this is only if the solar panel system is connected to the grid). It allows you to grow savings by selling excess electricity at high rates during the daytime and buying electricity from the grid during the evenings when the rates are low.
- Diverse applications – used for diverse purposes, it can generate electricity (photovoltaics) or heat (solar thermal). For areas without access to the grid, solar energy can be produced. This can help to distil water in regions with limited clean water supplies and power satellites. One of the developments that came from integrating solar energy into materials came from ‘Sharp’ transparent solar energy windows, which have been used in newly designed commercial buildings.
- Low maintenance costs – keeping them clean a couple of times a year, this service can be done manually or a paid service is available from around £25-35. Reliable solar panel manufacturers give up to 20-25 years warranty, also with the benefits of no moving parts there is no wear and tear unless it has direct physical damage. It has very few replaceable parts, the main one is the inverter, this needs to be done every 5-10 years, this is because of the slates continuously working to convert solar energy into electricity and heat. Cables will also need maintenance to ensure that the system runs at maximum efficiency. After the initial cost of the system very little is spent on maintenance and repairs.
- Technology development – innovations and improvements in advancing technology will make practical use more efficiency and cost friendly. With the use and development of quantum physics and nanotechnology the potential is exponential so increasing its effectiveness is limitless.
- Cost – initial cost of purchase of a setup is fairly high.
- Weather dependent – depending on your geo-location solar energy can be collected during cloudy or rainy days, but the efficiency will drop.
- Solar energy storage is expensive – energy produced has to be consumed right away or alternatively stored in large batteries. Batteries are used in off-the-grid solar systems. Batteries can be charged during the day so the energy can be used at night.
- Uses a lot of space – To produce an abundant supply of electricity requires more space for solar panel placement to be able to collect a large quantity of solar energy.
- Associated with Pollution – solar energy is related to pollution, but the amount is significantly less when compared to other forms of energy usage.
Solar and wind energy can be fitted to buildings meaning that its possible to save on electrical bills, but you can also have a alternative power supply. This makes for a more eco friendly environment and allows for cost savings.
Bear with me, we will get to the cryptocurrency in a minute…
Ideas such as ‘Electric paint’, have been designed to be able to have conductivity, that allows connections of any electrical appliance. Most electrical devices are becoming more efficient and run on LED’s so mass consumption of electricity is greatly reduced. This lessens the toll taken on resistors and capacitors allowing more complex inventions and ways of using them.
With idea’s that lessen the toll on electricity consumption, there is a larger grid to pull from, along with easier more efficient ways of distributing and using fossil fuels. The argument that we are destroying the planet with machinery will always be there, but it’s impact is being reduced.
Take for instance ‘Wi–Charge’, a wireless built in charger that is attached to the mains in a household, office or building. It charges any electrical device that is wireless or modified to adapt to the protocols using infrared beams. A single transmitter can cover a room of 250 square feet and charges multiple devices. This means no more having to plug-in, or wait for a free terminal to charge your device. This can make working environments cable free.
Artificial intelligence and augmented designs, together with virtual reality development has increased in the last few years and is said to have had mass investment up till as far as 2040.
Science fictional films and ideas are no longer seen as a fantasy, but are fast becoming reality. There are many companies investing time and money into a plethora of devices, systems and software. One of them is the ASUS Zenfone range which are now one of the top competitors for forward thinking mobile technology. Their devices allow multi sim use, built in VR and next gen gaming capabilities, a host of business apps and modifications for the working Joe blogs along with much more. This goes hand in hand with many rising VR companies which have decided to join the blockchain industry.
Although we are in an era where western civilization is pushing past our limits. There is a slow pace of the world advancing together in general, rather than being at the same place in technology and developments. This includes commodities, banks and finance, military, aerospace and many more…
Now, lets relate these developments to cryptocurrency and blockchain.
For example, Ammbr, is a blockchain technology offering the ability to share and join (hotspot) your mobile network, which connects to the internet (wired and wireless) through their devices. Others may share your data at the cost of the provider (host) of the node being paid in digital currency (cryptocurrency) for supporting this process. So, in essence, if you applied the use of ‘Wi-Charge’ you would always have power, meaning little to no down time as you will always be connected whilst getting paid.
If you took just a few of these different applications and used them together in a working environment then the possibilities could be endless. Here are a few:-
- Next gen mobile phone technology, meaning that people can be at the same pace on technology
- Electrical paint for the building wiring
- Solar PV slates to lessen the electricity bill
- Wi-Charge so that any wireless electrical device would always be charged
- Ammbr with their node allows collection of digital currency while being able to use a network to make calls, internet and many more
- Tap (TTT) where you can gain digital currency from playing video games
- Soundchain, is a distributed open source database for managing intellectual property rights for musicians
- U Trust, is the concept of an easier more reliable FIAT/Crypto payment system, similar to PayPal
These coupled together would mean that while you work, play or rest you can earn cryptocurrencies, lessen bills and build eco friendly, economically viable communities.
There is no doubt in saying that we as people will always strive forward and develop new ways of making things simpler and more efficient.
The questions I will leave you are…
Will these new developments really provide a way to making earning and living simpler?
Is the world ready for these changes?
How long will it take before the worlds communities will be on the same page and able adopt these concepts?
Comments please…